quickbooks cloud hosting services for small business startups

A Guide to Starting a Small Business in 2021

Your core business model and planning efforts play a vital role in determining the future of your startup. The main distinguishing feature between thriving and failing small businesses is the strength of their foundation. There’s a reason more than 50% of SMEs fail in the first year after. Rushed planning, preliminary research, and unrealistic goals often lead […]

cloud hosted inventory management for small medium businesses

Top Inventory Management Tips You Must Know

Inventory management is a critical part of a company’s productivity. Not being able to administer, predict, control, and oversee inventory-related issues and tasks leads to fulfillment inefficiencies, angry customers, and dissatisfied clients. It also results in high inventory management costs, extensive time loss, and employee fatigue. Managing inventory is about achieving the sweet spot between too […]

sage cre for construction and real estate

How Moving Sage CRE to the Cloud Can Transform Your Business Operations

A Gartner study shows that the cloud market and its offerings have many potential benefits for a business and is projected to grow at a dramatic pace in the next few years. Moreover, a McAfee report shows that the construction and architectural industry is also showing an inclination toward cloud computing products like Sage CRE for all the right […]

automated accounting solutions for small medium businesses

How to Prepare Your Small Business for Accounting Automation

Thanks to intelligent automation, the global finance and accounting industry gained approximately $ 512 billion in revenue in 2020, despite all odds. But it’s also interesting to note that despite the staggering numbers, only 10% of the total small businesses have deployed automated practices worldwide. This means that the growth figure is chiefly associated with the advancement and profits of […]

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A Complete Guide to Planning Your Cash Flow

How much financing is available to your business this year? Do you have enough cash in hand to bear operational expenses? From where is the company earning, and where will it spend? These are some of the basic questions every SME owner has in mind about their cash flow availability and firm’s liquidity. Planning and […]

automated bookkeeping sofware for SME

Why You Should Automate Bookkeeping Amidst the Pandemic

The pandemic has undeniably affected the economy and the general business environment. Many small and medium-sized businesses shut down as a consequence. But it’s true what they say, wherever there’s a transition, there’s a possibility and opportunity to do something bigger and better. And clearly, for the struggling SMEs amidst the COVID-19 crisis, there’s a beaming […]