accounting software for small medium enterprises

Can Accountants Work from Home?

With each passing day, more and more Americans are switching to working from home. In 2017, around eight million Americans worked from home. This figure increased by 5% compared to 2016. And since then, the trend has only seen upward growth. But what about more specialized roles, such as an accountant? Can accountants follow suit and […]

modern digital accounting software for small medium businesses

Will Accountants Ever Become Obsolete?

Over the last few years, most aspects of the business have been digitalized. Thousands of brick-and-mortar stores have transitioned to e-commerce platforms. Billboard advertising is losing ground to social media advertising. Print media is slowly taking a backseat, and concepts like SEO and digital marketing have come to the fore. But where does accounting fit […]

accounting digitalization solutions for small medium businesses

Digitalization in the Field of Finance and Accounting

Over the past few years, the terms ‘digitization,’ ‘digitalization,’ and ‘digital transformation’ have been all the rage, especially when it comes to the IT industry. We’re here to explain the differences between these terms. According to Forbes, when you take analog accounting information and convert it into a digital form, it’s called data digitization. On the other […]

modern accounting solutions for small medium businesses

Solving Accounting Challenges With Modern Solutions

In the year 2022, businesses are moving away from conventional business models and are embracing modern concepts like blockchain, data digitalization, and virtual reality. At the same time, businesses are also adapting to modern accounting solutions to overcome the everyday challenges that their accounting department faces. For most of the accounting challenges, switching to cloud-based accounting […]

cloud hosted quickbooks solutions for accounting

Choosing Between Desktop, Online, And Hosted Solutions For Accounting

Whether you’re looking for new accounting software or want to upgrade your existing one to meet changing needs, the deployment method you go for is an essential consideration. Simply put, the deployment method determines how the software will be accessed. But the decision isn’t straightforward because each option has its own functionalities and limitations. Currently, […]