While technology has brought more improvements to the workspace, it also has a unique set of problems associated with it. The greater integration between different organizational facets—based on interconnectivity from the internet and connections between different software—creates a domino-like chain of disruption if one part of the chain breaks.
While it’s possible to establish guidelines that prevent a total breakdown of inter-organizational coordination, sometimes you can’t help it. One of the most common reasons why this might happen is if your central mainframe crashes or stops functioning for any reason.
There is a higher risk of disruption when you’re working with cloud-hosted software, like QuickBooks—which only emphasizes the importance of choosing a reliable hosting service. QuickBooks is hardly the only cloud-data service that suffers from these problems, though—all cloud-hosted applications present these problems. Reports indicate that service providers in various industries lose as much as $200 an hour if the cloud crashes—losing about $5000 a day and $144,000 a month!
Everything we’ve said till now is only the financial impact of a crashing cloud—lower uptime rates have a substantial industry-wide impact across entire organizational structures. Let’s take a look at why uptime is critical for QuickBooks hosting and what all business owners should look out for when choosing a QuickBooks hosting service.
Productivity Losses
Most modern-day workplaces follow a Bring Your Own Device Policy to cut down on infrastructural costs. Ever since cloud hosting became popular, the BYOD market is set to hit a valuation of $367 billion by 2022 and improves productivity by 34%. Considering the rising popularity of BYOD, most companies now rely on a central internet connection and access to organizational data through these dedicated networks.
Now imagine a situation where the cloud crashes and no one in the company can access the data. Anyone working remotely is left stranded with absolutely no idea of what’s happening. It’s an absolute nightmare for the entire organization where they were working at 134% efficiency, and now they’re down to zero.
Considering what’s at stake, hiring a reliable cloud-hosting service is essential for all business owners. It’s the only way to avoid excessive downtimes and recurrent breakdowns at an organizational level.
The Cost of Technical Expertise
If you’re working with cloud-hosted QuickBooks and you encounter an error, there’s no way to resolve the issue unless a certified technician takes a look at it. For companies that are working with in-house servers, they’ll need to invest in a team of specialists specifically to keep the servers running.
If you’re using third-party hosting services, you need to be sure that they know their stuff. The crash could have come from anywhere—hardware, software, or intermediate connection—and diagnosing that problem is quite a challenge. Finding replacement hardware is costly and time-consuming—if you’ve been subjected to a cyber-attack, then you need to scramble all possible resources to contain the situation, and there’s so much more to consider.
Resolving these problems takes a fair bit of time and effort, which emphasizes the need for consistent maintenance and thorough checks to prevent a crash. Your team needs to be skilled and efficient enough to deliver a swift solution to these problems—which, in the worst-case scenario, might take days.
The Rising Threat of Cyber Attacks
Back in 2016, the White House released a shocking statistic—cyber attacks cost the economy nearly $109 billion in losses as well as containment. The problem with cyber attacks is that it ripples across everyone that’s part of the system—so if you’re an eCommerce service provider, an attack will likely affect you and your customers and vendors.
The most notable example of downtime from cyber attacks is the one on Yahoo! that led to information leaks from 3 billion accounts across the world. We don’t even have a number on the total damages caused by the attack, but Yahoo! was sold for peanuts on the market in the aftermath.
Equipment downtime, when caused by a cyberattack, is infinitely more damaging than one from a hardware malfunction. There’s no telling how far the damage will go, and your hosting service providers need to offer the best possible security for your data, or you should switch service providers immediately.
Need Reliable QuickBooks Hosting Services?
Get in touch with gotomyerp today to get access to one of the best QuickBooks hosting services throughout the United States. We’ve been a leading provider of secure and reliable QuickBooks hosting services to help our clients meet their business goals. Call us today for more information on our services.